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Holiday gifts for centenarians

2012/12/23 7:24:04 Word size: A A A  Browse:4811

Report from our correspondent (trainee reporter Kim h d) at 9 PM on October 16, high-density Fan Fusheng and secretary of municipal party committee of gaomi city elderly home working committee staff came to centenarians, sent for them duvets, milk and other holiday gifts. According to understand, gaomi city is creating "Chinese longevity of the township", gaomi city centenarians existing more than 50 people.

October 16 at 9 PM, high-density Fan Fusheng and secretary of municipal party committee of gaomi city old-age work committee staff came to the street north wangzhuang NieXiuLan feels ashamed springs old people's home, for it has sent duvets, milk and other holiday gifts and this quarter's "centenarians long life" 1200 yuan. Take a door, Fan Fusheng secretary just kindly ask family members of the old man's health and life situation, and will personally sent to "long life"

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